Resources and Documentation

Welcome to our documentation page. We hope these documents will help everybody better understand the project and who is involved in the progress. Videos related to Fire Scout documentation are located in the Project Details tab.

Team Inventory

Getting to know the Team! Overview of each member working on the Fire Scout Project.

Team Standard

Establishing expectations of each teammate during the construction of the Fires Scout Project. Creating professional communication, practical scheduling, and assigning roles based on the strengths of each teammate.

Mini Intro

Introduction to the Fire Scout Project. Who is the client, what kind of business the client runs, and what is stopping the progress of the client's work?

Technical Feasibility

Provide information on why the Fire Scout team choose specific solutions to particular problems.

Design Review

Communicates progress towards the end of the fall semester by gathering input and allowing others to give the Fire Scout Team critical feedback.

Requirement Specification

Provides detailed features and performance requirements for the final project to be accepted by the client.

Software Design Document

Description of the Fire Scout Team project's overall architectural design as well as the design of each major module.

Design Review 2

Update on the progess of the Fire Scout Team project and a reminder of what the project is about.

Design Review 3

Update on the progess of the Fire Scout Team project and the plan leading into the last part of the semester.

Software Testing Plan

Descripition on how the Fire Scout Team plans to ensure the client and the audience that we have meet the requirements that were given in the first semsester.

Final Capstone Presentation

This is the Fire Scout Team's final presentation to display all our hardwork.To describe to the audience the problem and our approach to a solution.