
Team Inventory

The goal of this document was to take an inventory of what skills exist on the team, and what gaps in knowledge there might be. For the client, this provided a preliminary overview of the team working on the project, allowing for the client to understand the team's strengths and weaknesses and how they can best support the team. For the team, this document provided vital information for assigning team roles and establishing an idea for which individuals will be best assigned to certain parts of the project. This document also gave the team a chance to get to know each other a little more and learn about details such as work experience, hobbies, and special interests.

Team Standards

The goal of this document was to establish the expectations for how the team operates. Topics covered include assigning roles to each team emember, establishing protocols for conduct and communication, agreeing on programming standards, and establishing how the team will handle task assignment, document composition, and version control.


As the first presentation, this was an opportunity for the team to introduce the project to the rest of the class. This presentation introduced the team, established the 'big picture' idea for the project, what problem the team is to solve, what solution the team will explore, and how the team plans to develop that solution.

Tech Feasibility

This document is an analysis on whether the client's idea for a solution is actually viable. To perform this analysis, components of the system are researched and broken down into fine detail, thus providing metrics for justifying a solution. Here the team analyzes all the design decisions necessary to make the project work. Important decisions include selecting hardware, operating system, programming langugae, software development tools, and libraries.

Design Review

This presentation is an update on the progress of the team, reintroducing the topic and discussing critical elements in detail. This deliverable emulates a common corporate practice for design reviews, where the team communicates the current work status, progress, and future development of a project. The main goal of the presentation is to gather input and critical feedback from groups which could help improve the design of the project.

Requirements Doc

This document is a detailed description of the project's requirements, both functional and non-functional, and forms the contractural basis for the expectations to be fulfilled by the development team. The envisioned solution includes requirements for both hardware and software, abstracing the team's solution so that any future or alternative solution may be developed which satisfies the same requirements.

Tech Demo

This document outlines the basic functionality the team must implement to demonstrate progress towards a viable prototype. Implementing each subsection mentioned in the document provides a benchmark for future progress, and allows for the team to begin testing on a working system.
