Git OSS-um

Our Project

"Git OSS-um is focused on giving power back to the newcomer through an autonomous process and allowing them to feel at ease when picking a project to contribute to."

In today's fast paced environment, many developers have great ideas for new applications, games, innovations, etc. and love to collaborate with each other to bring their ideas to life. This leads many to open their projects up to the world via some sort of version control system to begin working on their projects with the community. For many developers searching the Open Source ecosystem to find a project that fits their knowledge base, personal qualifications, and overall skill level can be quite daunting, inevitably resulting in a great proportion of people giving up entirely.

Dr. Igor Steinmacher and his colleagues have created a web app called FLOSScoach, where newcomers can investigate the skills needed to contribute to open source. Although FLOSScoach has been helpful, it does, however, have its shortcomings. FLOSScoach is manually fed, does not have up-to-date information, nor does it display graphical information to its users based on collected data. These limitations restrict users to already available information and does not assist them with finding unrecorded projects to contribute to.

As of now, we have created a web application that assists newcomers in contributing to open source. Our product mines data from GitHub, represents the data as simple and easy to understand visualizations, gauges the activity of a repository, and show the acceptance rate of submitted contributions. We have implemented asynchronous tasking to update repositories, so admins have no need to manually update repositories.