The NPOI collects and combines light from six aperuretures simultaneously to form a high spatial resolution synthetic aperture. This data is invaluable to administrators, engineers, observers, and researchers. The collected data is extremely dense and currently stored in a generic text format. Although NPOI collectes and produces invaluable data, without an organized way to view, download, and analyze the data, it is very difficult or at times impossible for administrators to utilize the data collected to understand the state of operation of NPOI. Furthermore, these data sets are needed by the engineers and observers in order for them to understand how environmental factors affect the instrument, but unfortunately in its current state, the data remains largely inaccessible and incomprehensible to most.

Team Sirius’s solution to this would be at minimum provide a webpage that will be deployed to the server at NPOI with graphs that users will be able to interact with, displaying the most current and previous observational data collected. This webpage will also display the instrumentation data as plots organized by date. Storing this information in a database and not as one big html dump will also increase the efficiency and speed of the website. This will issue an unlaggy graph to illustrate the data collected years prior up until the most recent. We will be using MySQL to store the collected star data, giving us the ability to use Django’s python extensions to retrieve that data to then be neatly organized in a graph. The parsed generic text data will be stored on MySQL using the different identifiers. Having streamlined the requirements stated by the client, we are confident as a team that we will be able to efficiently and neatly illustrate the data onto an appealing web application.