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project schedule

Project Inception

In the earliest stages of development, our primary goal will be to prove the application is feasible to develop. This also includes stuff like setting up team documentation and working on technical documentation. Our early milestones are:

Requirements and Prototyping

In the middle stages of development, we finish our requirements gathering and start with requirements documentation. We will also start building prototypes and overall start getting the project ready for next semester. Along with presenting the design to our mentors and sponsors. This is where we currently are and will be done within the month.


The future goals of the project are to continue to prototype and slowly add more features to the app and further enhance our software design. Developing the front end and the back end to an acceptable level. Lastly, we will start working on the MVP and application acceptance.

This should outline a schedule of the milestones we have accomplished so far, what we are working on, and what we are working towards in the future.