NAU Undergraduate Symposium

Northern Arizona University’s 1st virtual Undergraduate Symposium – a campus wide celebration of student achievement. 650 students from across all colleges will come together to share their creative discoveries and present in-depth research and scholarly work to their peers, professors, and the University and Flagstaff communities. the official UGRADS website


This poster was created to quickly and easily convey what our project is about. It was available online from April 20th - April 24th.

Ugrads Poster

This is our User Manual that anyone trying to use our product can look at for instructions.


Poster presentations

This is a video of us giving our presentation about poster for the symposium.


This presentation was made in place of the in place presentation we normally would do. It was available online on April 24th.

Ugrads PowerPoint

This is our User Manual that anyone trying to use our product can look at for instructions.


Ugrad presentations

This is our video of of what we did this semester.