Final Product

Below are gifs of our final product for both the application and administrative website. To access the website click here.


1. Simply click on any area on the map and click on the hamburger menu button on the top left.

2. In the main menu you will click on "Full Report" and the Full Report page will pop up.

3. Next, you will chose the type of report by clicking on the drop down menu.

4. You can enter a message in the box to describe more in detail the issue you are reporting.

5. Optionally you can take a picture and attach it to your report.

6. Finally, you click on the submit button to submit your report.


1. Click on "Zone & Marker Editor" in the navigation bar.

2. You will be brought to the Map Editor page and be shown a map with various tools to use.

3. You can create a zone by clicking on button circled in red in the gif above.

4. Simply use your mouse to draw a zone.

5. You can show markers on the map by clicking "Show" on the right.

6. To add a marker on the map, simply chose a marker and click where you would like to place it on the map.

7. You can change the time intervals for when the colors should change on the map on the right below markers.

8. You can reset a zone color, delete, edit zones on the right side.

1. Click on "Tasks" in the navigation bar.

2. You will be brought to the Task page and be shown tasks that have not been completed. Information shown on Task page include the task, date/time, description, reported by, and image(optional).

3. To view an image click on the "Image" button and the image will appear.

4. To close the image being shown just click on the "Image" button again.

5. To complete a task simply click on the check box on the left of task and click the submit button.

6. Once the submit button has been clicked, the page will refresh and the completed task will not be shown in the incomplete task page.

7. To view completed tasks simply click on the button "Show Completed Tasks" and you will be brought to a new page of completed tasks.