About Our Project

Project Description:
Team Jasper is a capstone team at Northern Arizona University that has developed the JASS virtual training space that allows teachers in training to have a virtual classroom experience with real problem-based learning activities to mirror real-life situations involving diversity to better prepare them. Many classroom simulations exist, but few address diversity issues in-depth.

The initial concept for the JASS capstone project was provided by our sponsor, and can be accessed in the form of a capstone project proposal [PDF].

High Level Reqirements:
The following high level requirements are currently in the planning phase

Technologies and Solution:
Below are a few diagrams illustrating our software solution technologies and back-end.

An overview of JASS technologies. HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL

JASS Database Diagram

JASS Administrator or Faculty Walkthrouh

Final Weeks Development Schedule:
April-May Development Schedule

JASS GitHub Repository

Link to Demo:
JASS Demo (Takes a few seconds to load)