
Find project progress update posts and a live list of our project releases. New Posts will be created at developmental milestones and may correspond with big project releases.

Project Milestones

UGRADS Conference
Today we gave our final presentation and presented our project poster at the undergraduate symposium. The reception was positive and we are now looking forward to completing the remaining documentation.
Software Testing Plan Completed
Today we completed the first and final draft of our Software Testing Plan document. This document provides a detailed analysis of how we will test CrossDoc to ensure the requirements are met.
Design Review Presentation 2
Our second design review presentation is complete and the slides can be found here. We applied what we had learned in the first design review when creating our slides and presenting them.
Plugin Prototypes Completed
Development on the text editor plugins has progressed, and the core functionality has been implemented. Source of the plugins and installation instructions can be found in the GitHub Repo.
Began Development on Plugins
Today we began development on the text editor plugins. The supported editors will be Atom, Emacs, Sublime, and Vim. We will initially focus on the core CRUD functionalities (create, read, update, delete).
Software Design v1 Completed
The draft version of our Software Design document has been completed and uploaded here. Dr. Palmer has recieved the document and is currently reviewing it for innacuracies.
Prototype Demo Completed
Today we demonstrated our project at release v0.1.1 to Dr. Palmer. The features we outlined were: pip integration, basic CRUD comment operations, and dynamically generated help/usage text.
Requirements v1 Completed
We completed the final edits of our Requirements Document rough draft (available here) and turned it in to Dr. Palmer. Requirements drafting will continue until we finalize a working specification.
Design Review Presentation 1
Today we finalized our design review slides and completed our first design review presentation. We received valuable feedback regarding our content and delivery that we will apply to our future presentations.
Feasibility Analysis Completed
After analyzing potential risks to our product, and proving feasibility of our implementation, we created our Technological Feasilibity Analysis paper that outlines how we plan to address these risks.