CS 477: Advanced User Interfaces
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Tentative Course Schedule
CS477 --- Advanced User Interfaces

1-2 Introduction; User Interface Hardware review Don Norman packet (19MB), Ch. 1, Ch.8
3-5 Theoretical Background (interaction theory, direct manip., QoS)

Ch. 2, Ch. 5, Ch. 10
Reading: User Modeling Overview
Reading: GOMS
Reading: Object-Action Interfaces
Reading: Task-Action Grammars
Reading: Task modeling in UI design

6-10 Interface Elements: Exploration of interaction techniques

Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch.11
Fitts Law reading
Attention and Memory reading

11-14 Design and Evaluation Processes Ch. 3, Ch.4
15 Specialized Interfaces: Search, Visualization (optional, time permitting) Ch13, Ch14

Vital Notes:

  • Within each segment of the course (row in the above table), chapters are listed in the order they will be covered. As you can see, we will be skipping around quite a bit in order to make the topics flow more naturally (from theory to practical matters to evaluation), and to match them to our projects.
  • I expect you to have read the entire chapter(s) listed for a given week before the first lecture of that week. Then you should go on to read the (more detailed) readings on selected topics associated with that chapter. That way, you have already had an opportunity to review the material before it appears in lecture; this will give you a MUCH greater chance of understanding and integrating the material when we cover it. Quizzes may be used to encourage you to keep up on the reading.
  • Important: Some topics will not receive extensive lecture attention! There are so many practical issues that they can't be covered individually ---- and yet they are important for you to be aware of. In lecture, we'll focus on overall themes and heuristics; you are expected to read about detailed practical discussions in the text.