CS 396: Principles of Languages
Class Info
Assignments Content  

Tentative Course Schedule
CS396 --- Principles of Languages

Readings, etc.
1 Intro to study of programming languages Ch. 1
2-3 Intro to Functional Languages Ch. 15 (program 1)
3-4 Historical Review: Evolutions of PLs Ch. 2
5-7 Syntax and Semantics Ch. 3 (program 2)
7-8 Names, Type and Scope Ch. 5
9 Object Oriented Languages Ch. 12 (program 3)
10-11 Object Oriented Languages (cont) Ch. 12
11-13 Logic Languages Ch. 16 (program 4)
14 Subprograms

Ch. 9

15-16 Implementing Subprograms (time permitting) Ch. 10

Vital Notes:

  • Make sure you have read the entire chapter listed for a given week before the first lecture of that week. That way, you have already had an opportunity to review the material before it appears in lecture; this will give you a MUCH greater chance of understanding and integrating the material when we cover it.