1. Team Positions
    1. Team Lead
    2. Communicator
    3. Recorder
  2. Prior Experience
    1. Worked at the Martin-Springer institute at NAU developing a website for the team.

  1. Team Positions
    1. Calendar Coordinator
    2. Trello Manager
    3. Transcriber
  2. Prior Experience
    1. Created a website prototype for Brelje and Associates lawfirm.

  1. Team Positions
    1. Release Manager
  2. Prior Experience
    1. Create and maintain open-source tools for researchers at the Pathogen and Microbiome Institute (PMI); as well as gather and manipulate biological data.

  1. Team Positions
    1. Architect
    2. Website Design
  2. Prior Experience
    1. Worked at NAU Web Content Management, as well as an internship working on the Giving Children Hope website.