Halma Game Deliverables


Phase 0 deliverable:

Phase 0 Deliverable consists of the following:

  1. Single nicely-formatted page with: Team name, team logo, Team members, course, assignment title, date

This establishes the team and is essentially the cover sheet that you'll use for the remaining deliverables.


Phase 1 deliverable:

Phase 1 Deliverable consists of the following, presented exactly in the order shown below:

  1. Cover sheet:  Team name, team logo, Team members, course, assignment title, date
  2. Overview. A brief description of how you chose to architect your project: overview of the key objects/classes and their key methods.
  3. Effort description. This documents in a fairly precise fashion, which teammate worked on what parts of the project and how that person performed. Start with an overall statement of how you split up the work in the phase, e.g., "We discussed our skills/interests and this is what came out <discuss>. Given this, we generally decided that Joe would lead on X, Suzy would lead on Y, and Pat would lead on Z". The heart is then a *detailed* table that shows the major tasks involved in that stage. You could use my bullets above as a starting point, but ultimately its up to each team to decide how to split up the work. The table has four columns: Task description, Assigned to, Percentage of effort, completion notes. How to fill this out:
  4. Functionality checklist. This documents precisely the functionality that you completed for this phase. Hopefully, this is just a series of "100% working" checkmarks. Make this a table as well, with three columns: Functionality, %complete, notes. Here are the items in the "Functionality" column:
  5. Demos: Clearly labeled and annotated screenshots that very clearly demonstrated each of the above. In the best case, this is just a sequence of screenshots (labeled and annotated) of two humans playing your game, showing the board, some both good and erroneous moves, and ultimately a win by someone. Obviously, if your product is not able to play a coherent game, then you'll need to at least demo each of the pieces that you did get working. Let's hope it doesn't come to that...


Phase 2 deliverable:

Phase two deliverable consists of the following, presented exactly in the order shown below:

  1. Cover sheet:  Team name, team logo, Team members, course, assignment title, date
  2. Overview: Similar to phase 1, but now extended to focus on the creation of your intelligent Halma agent. Condense your description of the basics from Phase1 (labeling them as "Phase1" pieces), but leave them in so as to give a complete picture. Then add in (labeling as Phase 2) what objects/classes you added to upgrade your program into an intelligent system for playing Halma. Be sure to discuss the design of your utility function, i.e., what metrics it uses to determine the "goodness" of a board.
  3. Effort Description. Exactly as for Phase 1, but now centered around your Phase2 tasks, as assigned to team members.
  4. Functionality Checklist. Just as for Phase 1, but now has the following items for the Functionality column:
  5. Demos: Same thing as before, but focus it on your "intelligent" pieces. Some specifics to show would be: