CS 315
Chapter 1 Problem Set

Rules: Individual work only. Because theory is abstract, there a generally many variations in concrete answers to problems; if I see strangely similar answers, I'll be pretty suspicious!

The problems:

Taken from the end of the chapter.

6 careful here: make sure answers map N -->N. For each function you give, briefly explain why it is/isn't total, is/isn't onto.


31,33 -- Note: the s operator was defined in the text --- it is the "successor" operator that refers to the next item in a sequence.


To hand in:

I'll want a very clean and readable write-up. Please read the generally readability guidelines in standards for submitted work. As theoretical work often involves lots of pondering and erasing I recommend that you (a) work in pencil and (b) use scratch paper to figure it out, then write up the final version neatly. No kidding: if it's unreadable, I can't grade it!