
LabRats Minimalist rat head where the face is an image of a world map.

The Future is Green

At NAU, our Civil and Environmental Engineering program operates laboratories equipped for class and research purposes. The lab offers services for teaching, research, and special projects to students, faculty, and the community with the hopes of using that research to find a sustainable model of the future.

These labs utilize specialized equipment and materials that can be potentially harmful and hazardous without proper organization. With increase in lab traffic in recent years, lab management has determined the current system is no longer sustainable. The purpose of our capstone is to design and implement a management system that allows interested parties to request lab usage, and enables lab management to track useage, safety training, and lab inventory.

Visit our About Us page to meet the development team and our sponsor. To learn more about the project, please visit the Project to learn all about it. A walkthrough of our prototype can be seen here.