Specifications for Cover Sheet


Everything you hand in should have a separate cover sheet; this applies even if the actual assignment is just a page or two. The cover sheet provides a very clear, consistent way to identify student work, and gives a nice place to write comments or scoring information.

Your cover sheet must always be STAPLED on top of your submission packet!

Format of Cover Sheet

The cover page should contain the following information:

  1. Project/Assignment name
  2. the name of this course, (e.g. CS122)
  3. Your name
  4. Your NAU login id (helps me uniquely identify you in case of confusion)
  5. the date the assignment was turned in

Here is an example:

Project 1: The-Project-Title

CS 122

Joe Q. Public

January 25, 2012


It's super-easy to just create a Word document version of your cover sheet, and then quickly edit it each time to create new cover sheet for new assignments.