Welcome to DrRacket, version 5.1 [3m]. Language: Pretty Big; memory limit: 128 MB. Defined class: point Defined class: drunkard #t > (define x (new point 3 4)) > (define y (new point 2 5)) > (x 'display) Coords: x=3, y=4 > (x 'getx) 3 > (x 'getz) . . Error: No method with signature:getz > (x 'polar) (5 53.13) > (x 'dist y) 1.4142135623730951 > (x 'setx 67) > (x 'display) Coords: x=67, y=4 > (define foo (new drunkard 'Joe 34)) > (foo 'say '(what are you blathering about?)) Joe blubbers: Did you say (about? blathering you are what) > (foo 'say 'Eck '(are you daft, man?)) Hey Eck! Joe blubbers: Did you say (,man? daft you are) > (define fum (new drunkard 'Michael 20)) > (fum 'say '(I try to be a good boy)) Michael blubbers: Did you say (boy good a be to try I) > (fum 'complain) Michael blubbers: Oh man, my bloodlevel is 20 and I will be dead by 25 >