The requirements for the project are determined from the New Mexico State University Power Point Tracking for Solar Energy contest guidelines. The contest requires that the team design a solar tracking system that will improve exsisting solar tracking technolgies. Teams must show performance as well as external parameters such as costs for manufacturing, mantainance, and operation. Team SOLAREADY is dedicated to having a dual axis system that will allow for maximum movement of the panels. The system will also be designed to be easily implemented into multiple different solar panels. Team SOLAREADY is also committed to have simple and easy maintanence allowing for maximum profit to owners.
The Specifications of the system will be based on the solar panels that have been chosen by New Mexico State University. The specifications of the solar panels can be seen below. The panels are 56.1 inches by 25.7 inches by 2.3inches. The Team SOLAREADY design will fit these specifications but will also be avaiable for additional solar panel sizes at a later time.
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