
About this Stage:
Generally, during the create stage the team should be building their final design with every system and subsystem that was picked as the best solution.  While building these systems they should also consider how the subsystems will be linked together.  For our project we our writing a condition assessment to be used as the team’s deliverable to the client.  For this reason we considered the create stage was being used whenever we sent our client a formal report. 

Some of the milestones for our create stage in the design process were:

During this phase we used readily available software.  This included Microsoft Word, numerous e-mail clients, Adobe Acrobat, and NAU’s BB-learn client.

A major decision we had to make while in this phase concerned the completion of the excel spreadsheet.  This spreadsheet is used to determine possible vaults from dissolved gas analysis data.  When designing the spreadsheet we had to decide if the user would manually enter the data from individual samples, or if numerous samples could be uploaded into the spreadsheet at one time.  The team chose to limit the programs complexity and only allow single samples to be analyzed at a time to gain reliable functionality.  This aided in the completion of the project, because rather that worrying about the size of the data pool, we were able to focus on interpret the DGA results consistently, without the program crashing, and accurately.